Monday, January 19, 2015

Ali Cooks: Yellow Squash and Eggs

When I cooked this dish last night, Brian said that I cook fancy things.  That aside, I reached a milestone in my cooking escapades:  I finally used my cast iron skillet!

Sure enough, using my new skillet requires extra time and effort, though I feel like it's well worth it.  Prior to each cooking venture, I have to season the skillet.  After it's done being used, I have to rinse/scrub it out (WITHOUT soap!) and then dry it in the oven at 300 degrees, followed by a rub-down with vegetable oil and a pat dry with a paper towel.

But my skillet is my new baby, and last night Brian and I even named him.  (I know, I know, we're weird...)  Funnily enough, when I said that I should name him, we both took some time, paused, and then I asked, "What's the volleyball's name on Cast Away?"  And Brian spat out, "Wilson!"  He had been thinking the exact same thing.  We knew it had to be a pun, so of course my cast iron skillet needed to be affiliated with Cast Away!

Well, Wilson did his job last night and made some DELICIOUS eggs for me!  (Brian had another meal, since tomatoes and squash are not really in his 'love to eat' category.)  I kept out the onions/garlic and couldn't find basil as the original recipe required, but I of course used dried dill and found that the oil and salt used seasoned the dish up perfectly!  (Plus...cheese...c'mon!)

The only rough part of using Wilson was the fact that the skillet handle is HOT when fresh out of the oven!  (So tempting to just grab the handle--but NO!)

Do YOU have a cast iron skillet?  Any tips, tricks, or recipes?  Feel free to share!

Yellow Squash and Eggs
*adapted from

2 yellow squash
1 tbs sea salt
2 tbs vegetable oil
2 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 cup mozzarella, shredded
4 eggs
1/2 tbs dried dill
salt + pepper to taste


Cut the ends off the squash and grate using a box grater with the largest holes.  Combine with the kosher salt in a colander and let drain in the sink for 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes, squeeze out all excess water and let sit. 

Next, preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

In a cast iron or other oven proof skillet heat the oil until hot on medium heat.  Add the squash and tomatoes and cook, stirring intermittently for about 10 minutes.  Turn off the heat and stir in the cheese.   

Create four wells, evenly spaced in the sauce, and carefully add the eggs, one in each well.  Top with dill, salt, and pepper.  Cook the eggs in the oven for 10 minutes.  The whites should be set and the yolks still runny. Serve and enjoy!

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