Sunday, April 5, 2015

Ali Cooks: Granola Pancakes

Seriously, best pancakes EVER.  I might have made these before, but Brian requested this specific recipe from our Pinterest Pancake Board, so I was game to use some of our homemade granola for Sunday Morning Easter Pancakes.

The disappointing part?  We were going to make the pancakes look like bunnies in honor of it being Easter and all.  But...I forgot.  Until now.  So now I'm kinda sad.  BUT the pancakes aren't sad, and I'm happily learning to perfect my pancake-flipping skills--Brian even complimented me this morning!

Today will be a busy Sunday in the kitchen, making bread, making biscuits, and hopefully relaxing a bit after the chores and productivity is all said and done.

Happy Easter, everybody!

Granola Pancakes
*adapted from

½ tsp Baking Soda
½ Tbs Baking Powder
2 Tbs Sugar
½ tsp Cinnamon
1 cup Flour
⅛ tsp Salt
¾ cups Granola
1  Egg
1  Egg White
1 Tbs Brown Sugar
1 cup Yogurt
¾ cups Milk
1 tsp Vanilla
3 Tbs Butter, Melted


In a medium bowl, mix together the baking soda, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, flour and, salt.  Mix well.  Next, add the granola.

In a large bowl, whisk together the egg and egg white, the brown sugar, yogurt, milk, vanilla and melted butter.  Whisk well until combined.  Gradually add the dry ingredients into the wet, but do not over-mix (the batter will be somewhat lumpy).  Let sit on the counter for 5-10 minutes.

Heat a greased skillet over medium-low heat.  Portion the batter using a 1/4 cup measure.  Cook the pancakes until bubbles appear in the middle and sides begin to cook.  Then flip the pancakes and cook the other side until browned to your liking.

Then...EAT!  Brian says these are especially good with maple syrup.  ;)


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