Monday, February 16, 2015

Ali Cooks: Twice Baked Potatoes

Cooking is a learning process.  And I feel like I'll ALWAYS be learning how to better cook potatoes.  Today I did least I didn't have uncooked mashed potatoes on my hands!  Just undercooked potatoes that I was supposed to mash and then put back into the skins.


Brian helped.  Brian also ate an entire potato when they were finished and really seemed to like it!  We're going to have these again one other day this week, so I'm glad he's a fan.  First he eats eggs for me...and now baked potatoes!  I swear, he's gonna love tomatoes one day!  (Ok, ok, probably not tomatoes...)

I'll have to try these potatoes again some time so that I can improve my potato skills.  Or maybe I'll make a new potato dish...hmmm...

Twice Baked Potatoes
*adapted from

2 large potatoes
4 sprigs of green onion, chopped
salt and pepper
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/4 cup milk  
1/2 cup cheese, grated
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
2 Tbs butter at room temperature


Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Poke the potatoes with a fork and place them directly on the rack in the oven.  Bake for 45 minutes or until tender.  Remove from the heat and set aside to cool for a couple of minutes.  Then place the potatoes in the fridge to chill completely, about 1 hour.
Once cooled, cut a long 'I' into the tops of the potatoes lengthwise.  Scoop the flesh out of the potatoes into a large bowl, leaving about 1/4 inch of border left around each potato.  Place the potatoes on a large baking sheet that has been sprayed.  Spray the potatoes with a non-stick spray and season them with salt and black pepper.  (I like sea salt best!)
In the large bowl with the flesh from the potato in it, add the green onion, the cheese, the Greek
yogurt, the chili powder, salt/pepper, and the butter.  Mash all of the ingredients together until they come together and the mixture is mostly smooth. 
Mound the mixture evenly into each potato.  (It's ok if they are overflowing!)  Bake the potatoes for 20-25 minutes or until the tops just begin to brown slightly.  Remove them from heat and let cool for just a minute.  Enjoy!
And feel free to add additional toppings, as desired!

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