Monday, February 23, 2015

Ali Bakes: Chocolate Pots de Booze

Ok, so I wrote the below words early in the day on Saturday before I tasted the Chocolate Pots de Booze AND before I cooked/baked anything else.  Feel free to read the below, but take note of the following:

1)  CHOCOLATE POT DE BOOZE IS SO GOOD.  Like, seriously.  Bitter and sweet and the texture is to DIE FOR.  Brian and I have different ways of expressing our appreciation for any particular food/dessert, but the epitome of our satisfaction with a particular food looks like this:
Brian--eats silently and continuously with no eye contact with anything but the food.  Occasional eating noises and one (maybe two) gulps of water during the eating. 

Ali--takes a bite, comments on how it tastes, sips water, asks question to Brian about whether he likes the food as much as me, takes another bite and provides slight criticism followed by happy eating noises (and this continues on)...

Makes me smile to realize this, but at least I understand why Brian doesn't respond when I talk to him--he's enjoying himself too much!  (...did I mention that the Pots de Booze has WHISKEY in it?!)

2)  I also made bread yesterday.  I will NOT be posting about the bread venture because it was a dud.  The apartment smelled GREAT, but the yeast experience was less than perfect, and I'm going to employ the use of Brian's yeast abilities to recreate the bread later in the week...or next week.  Definitely still edible for a few days worth of sandwiches, but not blog-worthy enough to provide the recipe and tips/feedback.  Ah well, better luck next time!

3)  I didn't make a third recipe.  I was too tired (and a little deflated from the bread escapade) to actually make a legitimate dinner.  Brian made stir-fry for himself and some rice for me, and we were both content enough with our lazy Sunday night dinner.  Yummy dinner ahead for tonight though!

Now for my original commentary:

Today (Sunday) is cooking day!  I have three recipes up my sleeve to make for today and/or the upcoming week, and I am thoroughly happy to do so.  This weekend has been pretty near perfection with just...normalcy.  Chores/errands, productivity, relaxation, and good quality kitchen time.  Some movie-watching, a little bit of wine, and even nap-time.  This is exactly what I like about weekends, and I can only hope for many, many more just like this one!

Also, homemade popcorn is SO MUCH FUN to make!  Brian and I experimented with unpopped kernels last night, and we really enjoyed ourselves.  I should probably add less butter and salt in the future to actually benefit from home-popped popcorn's healthier qualities, but for our first time, it was nice splurging with the deliciousness.

Stay tuned for lots of chocolatey decadence below and more to come from my kitchen later!

Chocolate Pots de Booze
*adapted from The Boozy Baker cookbook

3 egg yolks
2 1/2 Tbs sugar
~1 cup heavy cream
1/8 cup whiskey
3 ounces chopped bittersweet chocolate


Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.  Whisk together the egg yolks, and the sugar in a medium-sized bowl.

Heat the cream and whiskey over medium heat in a saucepan until barely simmering.  Remove the pan from the heat, add the chocolate, and stir until smooth.  Add a small amount of the cream mixture into the egg yolk mixture and whisk.  Next, add all of the egg yolk mixture to the cream mixture and whisk together completely.

Pour the custard into three ramekins and cover each with aluminum foil.  Put the ramekins in a baking dish and add enough hot water to the dish to reach halfway up the outside of the ramekins.  Bake for 50 minutes and then remove each ramekin from the water.  Also remove the foil and chill the custards for at least four hours before enjoying.

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