Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Ali Cooks: Southwestern Stuffed Peppers

Confession:  I will likely often post about recipes accomplished on days that have already passed (and sometimes, may have passed longer ago than I would have liked!).  And to kick off this example, why don't I talk about what a spectacularly culinary-filled day Sunday was?!
Yep, Sunday.  I love Sundays where one can sleep in (yeah, right...), accomplish a few household-y things, and then just spend most of the day in the kitchen.  And you know what?  That was this Sunday for me.  The previous post was about Sunday's breakfast.  So now, let's explore Sunday's lunch!
See, I like to make at least one thing on the weekend that is in a large enough quantity to have extras for dinners throughout the work week.  (I hate the term 'leftovers,' so we won't be using that.  My food isn't 'leftover.'  It's planned extras for consumption at a later date.)  But yes, even though it's a short work week for me with the Fourth of July holiday on Thursday/Friday (Took Friday off work--woot!), I still wanted some dinner foods for Monday and Wednesday.  Why not Tuesday, you ask?  Well...ok, let me get into mushy-girlfriend-mode...
Today marks the anniversary of Brian and I dating one year.  Crazy, right?!  Yep.  Tis true.  I want to tell the world, but I don't want to be obnoxious and sappy, so this is my way of 'telling the world.'  Don't you feel lucky for reading my blog?  Haha.  Riiiiight...
And that's that.  I ate Southwestern Stuffed Peppers that I cooked midday Sunday for lunch that day, for dinner yesterday, for dinner tomorrow, and likely for lunch on Thursday (since I WON'T be at work).  Smart thinking, eh?
Southwestern Stuffed Peppers
*Adapted from InquiringChef.com
2 medium bell peppers
3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 cup cooked rice
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup of canned, diced tomatoes (or salsa)
several green onion stalks, chopped
2 tbs cilantro, chopped
Wash and chop your ingredients, grate your cheese, and make sure your rice is cooked.  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Slice the peppers in half and discard the innards.  Lay them out on a baking sheet.  (Hollow side facing up, like little bowls.)
In a bowl, measure out 1/2 cup of cheese and add to that he rest of the ingredients, stirring. 
Fill the peppers with the mixture, packing to ensure that each is stuffed full.
Bake them for about 15 minutes and then add the remainder of the cheese to the top of each.  Pop them back in the oven for about two more minutes.  Enjoy!
I realize that this isn't the most protein-filled dish, but you can add a scoop of plain Greek yogurt to the top as a sour cream substitute, and that'll give them a nice punch of protein.  YUM!

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