Monday, June 24, 2013

Ali Cooks: Zucchini & Rosemary Saute

Yesterday evening it was:  SUNDAY DINNER TIME!
Only a few more of those occasions left while I'm here in Austin, though I don't know why I tend to remind myself of 'lasts' so often.  Regardless, we had a great turnout to what was once long ago coined "Dandy Good Eats" night.  (I just like to tell people that I host weekly dinner parties, even if my 'party' just consists of one guest!)
It wasn't too eventful of a recipe that I decided on for the evening.  Overall, it was to be a smorgasbord of snack-type foods/legit potluck style for once.  That style of dinner  makes me kinda crazy in the planning stages, mostly because I can't really plan for it.  I think my initial 'problem' stemmed from deciding on a side dish as my contribution, and I was one of the initial deciders of the meal.  Ah well.  It happened.  It all worked out.  And there was enough food available that I could eat and be satisfied (though I must admit, I ate my own 'dinner' before others arrived, since I wasn't too sure about what passable dishes my tummy would agree with).
Curious as to what this menu consisted of?  Well, lucky for you I'm willing to share!
Matt brought homemade soft pretzels.
Michelle brought snickerdoodles.
Megan brought wine.
Chee Ia brought spring rolls.
Brian brought his appetite.
And as I mentioned, I made a lil something, too!  A Zucchini and Rosemary Saute, actually!  It was super easy.  Super fast.  Super low-maintenance.  Probably one of those super foods that Superman would likely enjoy.  (To be honest, I have no idea if Superman eating certain foods is a 'thing.')
Let's crack to the recipe fun-times, shall we?!
Zucchini & Rosemary Saute
*Adapted from
2 medium-sized green zucchinis, cut into four lengthwise and chopped into quarter-inch slices
1 medium-sized summer squash, cut into four lengthwise and chopped into quarter-inch slices
3+ sprigs of green onion, chopped
2 large sprigs of rosemary, chopped
1/2 of a container of cherry tomatoes, halved or quartered (depending on their size)
2 tablespoons olive oil
First, I advise you chop up all of your veggies/herbs beforehand so that you are all ready and prepped when it comes time for heating.
Go ahead and coat the bottom of a pot or a fry pan (a large pot actually worked quite well for me) with the olive oil.  Heat it for a minute and then add all of the zucchini/squash.  Allow it to cook for 10 minutes, allowing the contents to soften while stirring periodically to move it around.  Add in the rosemary and the onions to begin adding flavor to the zucchini/squash.
After five minutes, add the tomatoes and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Let it heat for at least five more minutes, stirring every so often.
And...Voila!  There's a delicious and nutritious side dish!  I'd say it serves 5-6 people, depending on their appetite for veggies.
Oh, random side note before I sign off:  If you ever decide to give one of my recipes a try, totally let me know.  It'd be...well...a pretty awesome thing that would make my day for sure!  It's also a great way to ensure that I'm not lying to you about anything.  (Though I hear that photographing one's handiwork is pretty good proof of it having happened.)
Have a great week, y'all!  Texas cooking adventures are dwindling away, but you know that doesn't mean much for my cooking and baking saga!  Stay tuned!

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