Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ali Bakes: Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars

Well, things are looking a little different on this here internet space.  I merged the blog layout/template of my other blog with the content of this blog and...BAM.  Revamped blog.

This is from when I decided to create a new blog.  Wasn't a very good idea, actually.

My other blog was going to be about my adjustment into this thing called 'Adulthood.'  I had all kinds of things I wanted to talk about, but I just didn't feel motivated to WRITE anything.  I think what need to happen is when I have an 'Adulthood' story to share, I'll just do it here before/after I cook or bake something.  Or sporadically just talk about that instead of food.  Getting it out of my system might be all I need, haha.

And speaking of this phenomenon of 'Adulting...':

Isn't Peter Pan just awesome?  Yes, I love a lot of aspects of being an Adult, but usually when 'we' talk about 'Adulting,' it's in the negative sense.  'Adulting' is more about the icky things that happen with growing up, and Living Life is more about everything else.  (, dude, I bought a CAR because somebody trusted me to take out a LOAN and pay back ABAZILLION DOLLARS!  Paying those bills is Adulting, and buying a new car is Living Life.)

Wow, I'm so profound.  Less profound topics are the food-baking kind.  More specifically, the topic of Pumpkin Cream Cheese bars.  One must use of pumpkin when it's been in the fridge for ever ever.  So, that's what I did.  I also found cream I made frosting.  They seem to go together.  And they make good contrast for photography, so that's awesome.  (Ooo, listen to me sounding all photographically intelligent!)

Also, I can't eat a lot of pumpkin because it makes my stomach sad.  So I ate a bunch of crumbs and licked the frosting bowl.  That satisfied my want of taste testing.  :)

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bars
*Adapted from &

1 cup flour
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
6 Tbs brown sugar
4 Tbs sugar
1 cup canned pumpkin
4 Tbs milk
4 Tbs oil
1 tsp vanilla

For Frosting:
1/8 bag of powdered sugar
1 box of cream cheese (softened)
2 1/2 Tbs butter (softened)

Preheat oven to 350 F.  Combine the dry ingredients, then add in the wet ingredients. Spread the batter into a greased 8×8 pan and cook for around 20 minutes. Let the pan cool for at least 10-20 minutes before cutting the squares.  The frosting comes together by simply beating the cream cheese and butter with a hand mixer until smooth and then adding powdered sugar a little at a time.  When the bars are cool, frost and eat!


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