Saturday, May 2, 2015

Ali Cooks: Parmesan French Toast

Sometimes, you just get in the mood for some French Toast.  And today was that day for me.

But...the French Toast wasn't for BREAKFAST.  It was French Toast for LUNCH!  I found this lovely Parmesan French Toast recipe, and planned to make it after our morning visit to the farmer's market and the grocery store.  Upon our return home, I was famished!  Parmesan French Toast couldn't come soon enough!  Luckily, I had Brian's help in the kitchen, but I must admit, this was one of those occasions when I'm so ravenous, I'm barking orders and cursing at myself for every wrong mood.

The good news?  Lunch was delicious!  It really hit the spot and was super filling (but I guess butter, cheese, and bread will have that effect!).

So break some rules and get in the mood for French Toast for lunch.  Highly recommended here in these parts.

Parmesan French Toast
*adapted from

 4 slices bread
2-3 eggs
½ cup milk
¼ cup grated parmesan cheese
1 Tbs dried dill
1 Tbs butter


Cut the butter into 4 equal portions, and depending on the size of your pan, heat the pan and butter for one or more of the slices (1 butter portion per slice at a time).
Whisk the eggs, milk, and parmesan together in a shallow bowl/dish.  
Dredge a slice of bread into the egg mixture and then place into the pan.  If your pan is large enough, cook all 4 pieces at the same time (but make sure all of your butter is melted in the pan!).  Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and dill onto each piece while it cooks.  Cook each side until golden, approximately one to two minutes.  After flipping, repeat the seasoning for the other side.

Eat immediately!

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