Monday, April 6, 2015

Ali Bakes: Oatmeal Bread

After successfully making Brian and I oatmeal bread for the week, I had a meltdown yesterday.  The bread was on the counter cooling and plans for bread storage needed to happen sooner than later.

Yet...I couldn't figure out how to store our bread.  And it was making me anxious and upset and frustrated.  WHY didn't we have a vessel to store our bread?!  Bread is such an awkward shape.  And I didn't want to go out and buy a plastic container because I want to purchase glass or ceramic storage containers that will last longer and be more sustainable.

So I got upset.  Very, very upset.

And then, I decided to consult the all-knowing Google.

Mr. Google's results revealed that many bread bakers recommend putting baked bread in a paper bag and leaving it on the counter for storage.  WHAT.

I had one paper bag in the cupboard and am currently giving that method a try.  If anyone else out there has better suggestions OR would like to buy me a bread box, both are welcome.

Oatmeal Bread
*adapted from

½ cup milk
½ cup water
¼ cup honey
2 Tbs butter
1¼ tsp salt
3 cups bread flour
½ cup old-fashioned oats
2 ¼ tsp bread machine or instant yeast


Warm milk and water on the stove until it just starts to bubble.

Add the milk to a bread machine pan, along with the remaining ingredients in the order listed.

Select "Dough" cycle and press 'start'.  After about 5-10 minutes, lift the lid and add extra liquid or extra flour 1 tablespoon at a time, if necessary, to correct the consistency (the lid should lift without pressing buttons or 'unlocking.')   The dough should stick to the side of the pan, then pull away for the ideal consistency.

When the dough cycle and resting phase has completed, remove the dough to a clean, floured surface and flatten into a rectangle. Shape into a cylinder and place the dough into a 9x5-inch greased loaf pan with the seam down.

Loosely cover the pan (a shower cap works great for this or a towel) and set in a warm place until the dough rises approximately 1 inch above the rim of the pan.  (Patience is key here!)

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Bake the bread for 30-35 minutes.  Check the loaf halfway through baking and cover with foil if it gets too brown too fast.  Be very careful doing this, as the pan is HOT, and the foil gets hot, too.

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