Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ali Cooks: Chocolate Pudding

Time and time again, patience gets the better of me.  But on this occasion, I didn't care--not one bit.  It was nighttime, and I was in a mood for chocolate.  Luckily enough, early that day, I had stumbled upon a ridiculously easy chocolate pudding recipe.  Problem solved...kinda.

Brian and I also toyed around with a certain microwave fudge recipe that had taunted us previously.  The catch before had been our lack of owning a microwave.  This time, the recipe was delayed again--a lack of sweetened condensed milk.  Aw well, it will be made eventually.  It WILL!

As I said though, I am impatient (as I'm sure you knew already), and impatience does not make room for chilling one's freshly made pudding.  Ok, ok, I DID attempt to let it chill for a few minutes (maybe five?), but I was perfectly content eating my chocolate soup.  So I can attest that this recipe will be enjoyed in more than one state!  (Though Brian partook in a more chilled serving of the pudding, and it seemed that he enjoyed his, too!)

Take a few minutes out of your day (or night) and make pudding.  It's the best advice I can give today.  We'll see what advice I have to offer tomorrow...

Chocolate Pudding
*adapted from

1 cup sugar
½ cup cocoa
¼ cup cornstarch
½ tsp. salt
4 cups milk
2 tbs. butter
2 tsp. vanilla


Whisk together the sugar, cocoa, cornstarch, and salt in a saucepan.  Gradually add the milk, whisking to combine.  Bring to a boil over medium heat, whisking occasionally.  
Once the mixture comes to a boil, whisk continuously for two minutes.  Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and vanilla.  
Spoon into individual serving dishes and cover the surface of each pudding with plastic wrap to prevent a film from forming.  Chill until serving.

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