Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ali Cooks: Pumpkin Gnocchi in a Creamy Gorgonzola Sauce

Do you want to know one way that I decide which recipe to make each week?  Here's my secret:  I ask Brian about different dishes and whether or not he has ever had them before.  When I strike gold and he says 'no,' then I've reached my decision!  (Thanks for the help, Brian, haha!)

For the past couple days, gnocchi has been my project.  I've made gnocchi before, though it's been quite some time, and it was plain gnocchi--this tine I decided to spice things up and make PUMPKIN gnocchi!  It didn't sound too difficult, so I figured:  why not?!

And make gnocchi, I did!  It was a two phase process, meaning that I made the actual gnocchi on Friday evening and then made the meal last night.  The cooked gnocchi stored beautifully in the fridge, with a paper towel in the container to absorb any excess moisture.

Even though Brian wasn't extravagantly hungry last night, he still took a portion of the dish and confirmed that he liked it.  (Reason for lack of ravenous hunger:  too many cookies!)

Initially, the flour caused me issues because I halved the original gnocchi recipe...but there's not really a way to half an egg, so I had to improvise.  Feel free to do the same with the dough!

Bon appetit!  (I feel so Italian after making and then eating gnocchi!  Haha!)

Pumpkin Gnocchi in a Creamy Gorgonzola Sauce
*adapted from

1 cup pumpkin
1 egg yolk
2 cups flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch nutmeg

1 Tbs butter
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup Greek yogurt
4 oz gorgonzola or other blue cheese
1 tsp sage
1 pinch nutmeg
salt and pepper to taste

In a medium-sized bowl, mix the egg yolk into the pumpkin puree.
Next in a small bowl mix the salt and nutmeg into the flour.

Slowly mix enough of the flour into the pumpkin puree to form a soft dough that is not too sticky to work with.  (Test by touching the dough and observing whether it sticks to your hands.)

Once at the right consistency, knead the dough for a minute and then roll it out into 2 long thin rolls about 1/2 inch thick.
Cut the rolls into 1/2 inch pieces and then roll the pieces in flour lightly shaking off any excess.
Give them characteristic gnocchi ridges by using a fork.

Cook the gnocchi in boiling water in small batches until they floats to the surface.  Remove the gnocchi and set them aside to cool/drain. 
 At this point, feel free to store cooled gnocchi in the fridge for use at a later date or cook right away. 
 For the gorgonzola sauce, heat the butter, milk, yogurt, gorgonzola, sage, nutmeg, and salt and pepper in a medium saucepan until the gorgonzola has melted and the sauce is smooth.
Toss the gnocchi in the sauce and serve.

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